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How to Get Rid of Bots on Instagram

Instagram bots have always been a controversial topic in the social media community.

Growing an engaged Instagram following is no longer as simple as it once was, so the question that is being asked more than ever before is: Is it a good idea to use Instagram bots to increase your following?

Many users are turning to Instagram bots or Instagram automation tools to help them grow their audience and speed up the process in an attempt to keep up with the changes — but is this the best decision for your account?

However, there is a substantial gap between valid accounts and bots that clutter up your followers. There are as many as 95 million bot accounts. Bots could account for nearly 10% of the 1 billion Instagram users.

Continue to read if you're intrigued about Instagram bots but aren't sure what they are or what the effects of using them could be.

You can also learn more with this guide from

What are Instagram Bots?

Instagram Bot

Instagram bots are aimed at helping you complete basic Instagram tasks like liking, commenting, and following people. It may seem to be an easy task, but doing so consumes a significant amount of your time.

Bots assist businesses in increasing the number of followers on their Instagram accounts. They'll follow other accounts, like their posts, and leave comments on accounts on specific lists. These bots will aid in increasing a company's reach, followers, and engagement on social media.

You can also have your Instagram bots follow accounts that have followed you to show them that they are valued. Instagram bots will help you raise awareness and grow real followers organically.

How do they affect your account?

While it may appear that using Instagram bots is a simple way to increase more followers, there are still some negative aspects.

  1. Bots have the potential to put you in an uncomfortable situation:

Instagram bots, unlike real people, do not take into account the sensitivity of the context or captions in a photo. After all, bots are programmed to like and comment on your posts based on a hashtag you provide. And because you don't have control over or track where the bots will comment, this could lead to some awkward situations. Bots may make inappropriate or incorrect comments on a particular post by accident. Bots, to be precise, are unable to consider the photo's context or captions. They only consider leaving a comment in response to a hashtag. This, of course, brings up plenty of problems.

For example, your bot might leave an insensitive comment on a woman's post about her struggle with depression, saying "Wonderful!." These occurrences have the potential to tarnish your brand's image. Furthermore, it may hurt your genuine Instagram followers, as it will make them feel uneasy. "Internal estimates show that spam accounts make up a small fraction" of the user base, according to an Instagram spokesperson.

So before using Instagram bots or other automation programs, you must first educate yourself on how to use them properly.

  1. Bots can have a detrimental effect on your engagement in the long run:

Human interaction cannot be replaced by Instagram bots. Most people can understand the comments aren't from real people, so it's no surprise that engagement is low. Many people are becoming aware of Instagram bots these days. And once they figure out you're using bots, you're almost guaranteed to get less meaningful engagement, if any at all. In addition, meaningful engagement is impossible to automate. Instagram bots, on the other hand, can effectively promote real following and engagement if you are convinced that you are providing high-quality content.


Source: Marketo

  1. Bots have the potential to irreversibly harm your Instagram account:

While Instagram bots can assist you in a variety of ways, the social media platform itself discourages users from fully relying on it. They seem to be the perfect solution for a busy entrepreneur with little or no time to commit to expanding their Instagram following, but there's a catch: Instagram bots are strictly prohibited by the platform's terms of service, and using Instagram bots will result in your account being banned or shadowbanned. If your account is shadow-banned, all of your posts are hidden from people who aren't followers of your account. While you can still post and communicate with your current followers, you cannot reach and attract new followers anymore. It implies that you will be unable to expand your brand in the future because people will be unable to find it.

  1. Bots violate Instagram's Terms of Use:

Instagram Terms

Source: Theconversation

If an Instagram bot uses the API of the platform without the platform's permission. This contradicts the terms of use of Instagram, in particular:

  • Instagram's private API must only be accessed through Instagram-approved methods.
  • Instagram login credentials should not be saved or cached.
  • You cannot use the Instagram API to view, import, or backup user content, or manage relationships with Instagram without prior approval.
  • Make sure your comments are suited to each individual. Don't use Instagram to send unsolicited commercial messages or spam.
  • Don't consume immoderate bandwidth or impede the stability of servers or the actions of other Instagram API applications.

Alternatives to Instagram bots for gradually boosting your following:

Using Instagram bots has several advantages and disadvantages that can have a major impact on your account. There are, however, several alternatives to using bots to grow your Instagram following, some of which are listed below. In the long run, these strategies are far more beneficial because they allow you to gain legitimate targeted followers

  1. Hire a VA (Virtual Assistant)

Virtual assistants are capable of leaving genuine and honest comments. They can communicate with your followers and help your brand connect with real people. VAs take time to learn about your brand and its needs. Over a period of time, VAs anticipate your needs and work more efficiently. VAs have been known to outperform full-time employees. They aim at providing high-quality services as their business success and reputation depends on it. VAs are more expensive than bots and finding one that is appropriate for you will take some time. In the long term, it is sensible to recruit a reliable virtual assistant.

  1. Do it yourself

Set aside at least 20 minutes to interact with followers if you don't have the funds to hire a virtual assistant. If you want people to promote your brand, you must make an effort to connect with them. You cannot build authentic relationships with your audience and your community with generic comments and messages. You need to provide value to your audience and grow an engaged following. It is, without a doubt, time-intensive. However, this will enable you to understand your audience in a way that a bot cannot. If you are consistent enough, you can build your brand and have an engaged audience in the long run.

  1. Quality over quantity

Instagram bots are great for growing your following, but the followers you're gaining aren't genuine. You're just luring in more bots and trolls. Would you rather have 500 fans who adore your brand and buy from you regularly or 500 trolls and bots who never interact with you? Authenticity is extremely important on Instagram. It should be the main focus of your social media marketing strategy. You'll be able to turn your Instagram account into a community of active users if you stick with it. Building a large following takes months, if not years. However, it is one of the most efficient ways to form meaningful connections with your online community.

Social Media Community

Source: Syrup Marketing

  1. Slow down your pace

Instagram is a place where you can meet new people and start a conversation. It's most effective when you're actively cultivating relationships and are present.

Begin slowly with your following and engagements and gradually increase them as your account grows. If you can't afford a virtual assistant and don't have time to like and comment all day, don't. Allocate 15 minutes once or twice a day to hop on Instagram and interact with your followers. Even a small amount of time can make a significant difference in the speed with which your account grows. Remember that every post counts, that consistency is more important than frequency and that quality always takes precedence over quantity.

To wrap it all up:

Instagram bots and other automation tools may be useful for those who are new to social media marketing. When it comes to growing your Instagram following, doing your social media marketing manually is still the best option because it will not jeopardize your brand or Instagram account. Everyone wants to boost their social media presence as rapidly as possible. Especially on Instagram, where gaining authentic followers takes time and effort. It all boils down to authenticity, regardless of how you feel about Instagram bots. If you're distinctively you on Instagram, you'll have no trouble attracting the types of people who will love what you produce, click the link in your bio, and possibly buy your products. You can achieve any goal you set for yourself with genuine human involvement.

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Follow @yashchawlani

Yash Chawlani is a Freelance Content Marketing Strategist who is known by his personal brand Merlin. He specializes in SEO and Social Media and helps B2B and SaaS companies out there with his top-notch content strategies. In his spare time, you can either find him in the gym or on the… View full profile ›

How to Get Rid of Bots on Instagram
